Monday, October 1, 2007

My Mac crashed.

It's been down for a while, but I'm going to write it here because I've been living in denial for far too long.
I know that I say stuff like "out of principle, I refuse to be either a 'PC-person' or a 'Mac-person,'" but dammit, my MacBook is soooooo fucking good. If computers were candy, macBooks would be chocolate bars, and all of them would have golden tickets. And the golden ticket would be Comic Life.

Long story short, OPID is without any TYC* because my mac crashed. Thanks a lot, Steve Jobs and that other Steve no-one cares about.**

* TYC: "Two 'Y' Chromosomes," a webcomic authored by Lazer and illustrated by myself that has been put on hiatus by the non-functional state of my Mac.

** Just kidding, Steve WOZNIAC. I care about you.
Alright, I lied, I don't care about you, I just know your name because you're one of the speakers who is coming to my college for homecoming. You and Howie Mandell.
BRICK CITY!!! WOOOOO!!! (this is where I roll my eyes)

(and about here is where I apologize for being a terrible writer)

(and about here I unapologize, and tell all of you to fuck off.)

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