Sunday, March 30, 2008

And pretend that there is some fanfare here:

Voila! I present you with the first of (hopefully many) TYC comics!
The material is a little dated, but I don't fucking care!

OH yeah... link to the comic:

And one more special for you OPID readers; the character concept sketches. I'm debating whether or not to make a Characters page for the actual TYC site, so for now this is an OPID exclusive:

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pretend like this is a teaser Trailer...

Here's a panel from one of the upcoming TYC strips.

For the uninformed, Lazer is on the left, and I am on the right, reading.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So Tired...

Suck it up, You'll get one next week...
For now, send some nice chesty chick or something to warm my sheets whilst I idle away the hours in dreamland.
Oh, and totally able to write in near unconsciousness...



Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson was the best president the United States has ever had or will ever have.
He is a badass.

These are my evidences:
- He is on the $20 bill. I argue that this is the best bill because it is of the largest value of all moderately-well circulated bills, and has the most usability in every-day settings. Sure, throwin' down a Franklin is pretty awesome, but like... how many times can you do it in a regular day without being a dick? And for that matter, who short of Ludacris will really carry more than one or 2 100-dollar bills. Twenties, on the other hand... noone thinks you're pompous if you toss down a 20 for some McDonald's, or a Starbucks, and you can carry around 20 or so without really feeling like a dick.

- He has a striking similarity to Hugh Grant, one of my favorite actors. Disagree?
You're wrong. They DO look very similar, and Hugh Grant IS an awesome dude. So suck it.

- He was the one and only military governor of Florida. Yeah. Military. Right in the title.

- He was the 7th president. 7 is an awesome number. Disagree? You're wrong. Go play some craps, you dick. Plus, seven is prime (like Optimus), and like... heptagons and shit have all cool properties and shit. So suck it!

- He was taken as a prisoner of war during the American Revolution - aged just thirteen! Not only did he almost starve to death, but he was so badass, he refused to clean the boots of a redcoat who cut him with a sword. I beg you to ask yourself what YOU were doing at 13.
Masturbating, probably. Twat.

- Direct quote from Wikipedia (more reliable than most dicks give credit):
Jackson's service in the War of 1812 against the United Kingdom was conspicuous for bravery and success

Conspicuous... for BRAVERY and SUCCESS. That's the best kind of conspicuosness, if you ask me.

- I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was the only president to have 2 vice presidents. Not because he picked a pussy who died, but because John C. Calhoun is a bitch who ran away to South Carolina for some bullshit states' rights stuff. AND Jackson's so badass, he had NO vice president for a whole fucking year. You might bitch, "Wahhh, that's undemocratic tyranny, blah, my vagina hurts!" but it's the opposite. He was so against tyranny that he was glad to be rid of all the middlemen so he could protect democracy with a fervor that was unmatchable by any other federal politicians.

- Reduced the debt to the lowest it had been since 1791.

-Repeatedly tried to disband the electoral college.

- He was the first president handed a baby to kiss.

- When Calhoun started being a bitch and supporting the South Carolina pussies that wanted to secede not pay tariffs that they were supposed to, Jackson called him out.
Jackson rose first, glared at Calhoun, and in a booming voice shouted "Our federal Union: IT MUST BE PRESERVED!"

It is said that Calhoun replied with something less impressive, and his voice was noticeably trembling.
Also, Jackson followed Calhoun to S.C. because he said he was going to "personally hang the first man to disobey the tariff." So. Fucking. Badass.

- He was the first president with any attempt at bodily harm made. Some navy guy he laid off came and smacked him at some thing and then ran off. Jackson didn't even press charges. AND THEN, some other dick comes up to 60-year-old Jackson with TWO pistols, intending to kill him, and they BOTH misfire. The bullets were literally SO afraid of him, they wouldn't even come out of the gun. So Andrew (we're on a first name basis) beats the guy nearly to death with his cane. His aides had to restrain him. Davy Crockett was there.

- He fought 13 duels in his life (another awesome number), most for his wife's honor. He killed a dude in one of the duels. Yeah... Since Andrew knew this other prick was a faster draw, he let the guy shoot first. Fucker shoots Andrew right in the chest, but he doesn't even flinch. No, he just takes a good, long time to aim his pistol at the guys face and drops him. Dead. But I think that one was over a horse race, but also a little bit about his wife, too. Oh also, he live like 40 years with that bullet in his chest.

- He had 2 kids, but acted as a guardian for 10. And his wife was totally dead at the time.

So... yeah.

Andrew Jackson.
Best President ever.

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's coming...

IT IS coming....
That's right, TYC, the long-awaited, OPID-affiliated (tehe... rhymes) web-comic. I've finally bucked down and convinced Lazer that it's time, even without my computer.
And there's going to be so much excellence. Seriously.
Like, the character designs are all entirely changed (for the better, if you ask me) but that's not even the HALF of it.

Be on the look out.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How Did This Fucking Happen?!...

I now have limited interwebs access through no fault of my own (thats a lie by the way but let me just go on the record and say that I REGRET NOTHING) so my posting shall become even less frequent then it recently has been. Also, I have a girlfriend now. She drinks more then I do and more often then Danior does. We officially met when I fucking blew major chunks on her at her birthday bash.

Oh yeah, shes a keeper.

These events and more to be elaborated on at a later date.

Mine and Your Favorite,

Mander Romany<3

Friday, March 21, 2008

Decisions, decisions.

Aite well,

I'm feeling a bit too lazy to post a long meaningful post this week,

so I'll leave our loyal readers this question to ponder over...

If you could only be God's worst enemy...or nothing.

Which would you choose?

-The King

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I will be your best friend.

I'm sure I've made it at least partially clear in the past that I have a "thing" for Lindsay Lohan.
Well, thanks to the media, it has also come to my attention that she has a sex-tape out now.


Seriously, the only computer access I have is in the lab, and I was paranoid enough looking at the screen captures without actually watching video footage of her going at it.

OH, if it makes you feel any better, I ONLY want the video to determine if it is or is not actually Lindsay Lohan. It's like science.

So do it.

Drunk is Relative.

No, I'm not Drunk.

Nor shall I be anytime soon. But hey, let's face it; everyone gets a little hammered now and then. You see, life is choice. Choice is life. There's little fate to go aroudn but the choices that you make around it. You may look back retrospecticely and say "Hey, wasn't that a hokey coincidence?"
It was chance.

But the point being herein though:
You are driven to choice, whether the decision is by yourself, or by someone else. One can be outwardly driven (I.E. influenceable), or Inwardly driven (I.E. Influencing), and each of these types determine how one may acted when faced with a decision.
I've taken a long, damned hard look at myself (for reasons of which I shant divulge. Only a few people may know one, and one of them is damnably me.), and have determined, that I am both. I can be so stubborn and so passionate about something that, forces, be they bullets or torrential rainstorms, I'm invulnerable to the world about me. And yet, someone's words can so influence my decisions that I could crumple right there, 2 feet from my goal and cry out.

Is it the poeple themselves who do that? Are they just a modified howitzer version of the regular influencers? Or is it an immortal weakpoint within? To feel? To appreciate? To give oneself for?

We have no weaknesses. We only make them ourselves....
For some reason, I choose to have that one. A weakness of heart.

Chance, Fate...What is it all but ways of delving into forever? It's something we rarely understand...the vastness of everything...

But I guess, if you hold on to someone...if you find those who so move your stubborn ox-hided asses into gear, make you want to change, want to improve....
Well, you better fuckin' hold on tight. They're worth it.

Coming from a different time. (For a friend.)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fuck this town.

Rochester: I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you are a dick.
One big dick.

Did I already use the Cockchester line on this site? I can't remember.

Biggest waste of my life ever.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Most Excellent Adventure

This is something I wrote a few months back about Lazer and I and felt it was a pretty decent piece of writing. Enjoy.

We were lost, we were late, we were about sixty miles from where we said we were going to be, and we were finally alone. The night had been perfect up until just recently. The two of us stood looking at each other with stars in our eyes. Smiling like fools on the inside and trying to act as cool as the night had been on the outside, we began to discuss how lucky we thought we were. We were at the beginning of our end.

To our right, looking like a teary eyed bloodhound begging for food, our poor little soccer mom car had finally been beaten. Sitting dolefully with its hood up, vulnerable and waiting for that exquisite moment of triumphant glory when our friends would get back with the jumper cables. The car seemed to finally have dozed off as we stepped away from its fading interior light. In front of us, seemingly slouched against the front of our car, was what seemed like a mountain of ice-plant, rocks, and dirt. At the top of this mountain was the profile of what we thought was a creepy and slightly sinister seeming old lady. Unmoving and rather terrifying in its inert state, the old lady seemed to stare directly down at our car as though the engine had said something offensive and she was going to do something about it.

Behind us, contrary to the chilling old lady and the daunting shadows of the mountainous hill were the smooth pebbly shores of the beach. Us coming to this beach was the denotation of our trip. We came up to this far off shore to visit some very special friends and to got to the beach and relax and have a good time though none of us were really dressed for the occasion. Our little hebdomad had just ambled and frolicked our way up the slippery shore back to the parking lot not three hours ago. The fact that we did this like we were kids again delighted us and made us giddy with delight.

Although, from our lonely position you could see maybe six or seven bonfires burning incandescently on into the night, the darkness seemed to close in on use push what little time we had left away until we had to be back at our respective homes. Every once in a while you would see or hear kids coming and going to and from bonfires making the dark anxious trek from one blazing flame to the next. The harsh pollution given off by the soft yellow light posts and brilliantly burning bonfires seemed to focus solely on us. Standing there, ridiculous with our heads held high leaning against the car like everything was just fantastic. To our left, an eternity away it seemed, was the slight, biting incline of the open road.

This seemingly ordinary parking lot is too most, exactly that, an ordinary parking lot. A place where events begin and events end. To us this parking lot was the event. The fact that our car’s battery had died in this totally random parking lot 60 miles from anything and everything that is familiar to us was the epitome of adventure. It had packed that void which is and can only be filled once in a man’s life. That void, which can only be filled by that first epic adventure.

Mander<3 class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 0.5in; line-height: 200%;">

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My (in)Sincerest Apologies

Fuck you guys for not reminding me to post.

Naw, I'm just pulling your wieners. I was planning on posting Thursday but didnt get home till about 11:30 and yeah basically I've been pretty busy lately and as of late, probably having more fun then I should be.

The other night, this past Friday I believe, Me and some of the peoples that I've been chillin' with lately went out to the college area and got a hotel room. This room was your average two bedroom room at any other Days Inn. What made this room so special? There was half a bottle of ol' Jimmy Bean (shit goes down hard when your sober, definitely not my favorite...) and only about six or seven of us present for the first several hours.

We had a shirtless party which basically involved two of the girls(there were three) walking around, well... shirtless.

Needless to say it was a pretty decent night.

The next day I went with my buddy Hookups (who happens to be this cute little gay chick) to her crushes rugby game. Holy Motherloving Jesus. These bitches where enormous. You've all seen a bull right? Yeah, fucking imagine if a heard of them decided to get up and play a game of rugby. The only decent looking one was indeed the one me and my buddy came to check out. Needless to say shots were needed. Then after that we left and went to the cliffs for a bit and just chilled.

Fucking Sunday,

Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Nuff' said.

Mander Romany<3


Slowly but surely I'm pretty sure that I'm going to become an alcoholic like my father and probably Optimus too. Maybe I'll slow down and take it easy for a bit. You know, stick to beer or something. That other shits really getting to me. At least I recognize it though and I'm not doing it every day or even like every week usually. Right?

ehh... fuck it.

I'm going to go play Smash Bros. Have fun kiddies.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Change in Codiing?

Aite so,
First off I'd like to apologize for the no show post last week,
it was a pretty crazy weekend...

Details may be presented at a latter date, but for now:

Apparently Ash and Chiodo have been bitching about having gay codenames and have requested changes.

This isn't exactly classified as a blog, but rather an open discussion to the authors.

Shall we comply?

Thursday, March 6, 2008


So this is a shitty post - be forewarned.
I've been in the Big Apple (shittiest nickname for the best place ever) for the last week, and while it's been great and full of lots of blog-worthy shit, the one thing lacking is the reliability of RIT labs. So, here it all is on the eve of my 8-hour-long train-ride back to Rochester - or as I have not-so-lovingly dubbed it: Cockchester (aren't I witty?)
Anyways, it's a bit of a hodgepodge of stuff that's been on my mind for the length of the week, and I'll do my best to get it out in an orderly and timely fashion... Alright, it's obviously too late for the latter, but you get the idea. Anyways:
1) FUCK Rochester and RIT. I never remember how shitty that brick-laden hell-hole is until I go somewhere better - namely anywhere with people I know and/or temperatures that average out to at least above 0 degrees at any given point.
That being said, I am going to turn over a new leaf and do something about it, instead of pursuing the traditional OP-method of whining and bitching like a bitch. Yeah, I'm going to to apply to transfer to NYU, USC, wherever Mander's going, and probably any other schools in NYC that aren't Monroe College or CUNY. (And about here is where you guys start a pool for how far into the application/transfer process I actually make it, because I am still a fucking lazy-ass slacker.)
2) I'm going to get me some new meds. I'm pretty sure my roommate "accidentally" tossed my old ones, but it might've been for the best, because they weren't so hot (and they didn't mix with the sauce too well). Also, I've self-diagnosed myself with anxiety, on top of my depression, so I'm hoping to get some Xanax or whatever the generic alternative is.
3) you may have heard my plans of drinking 3 ounces of vodka mixed in with my morning Hawaiian punch, but plans have changed. Instead, as soon as I get my tax return ($60 woohoo!) I will be buying (read: having my 21-year-old-friend "Rage" buy) as much Sparks as funds will allow. For those of you less-enlightened, Sparks is a malt-liqur energy drink that turns your tongue orange.
4)I saw John Krasinski and Rachel Dratch. Upright Citizens Brigade. Google it. Best night ever.
5) And last but not least, I'll close with a joke:
Q: Why did Optimus Prime cry when he heard about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
A: Because he was devastated by the deaths of so many JAPS.

J.A.P. = Jewish-American Princess.
I'm not sure what it is, but something is wholly fascinating about this wondrous species of woman and I find them irresistible. I even find myself ignoring annoying and generally bitchy qualities in a particular fine specimen of Jap. It's weird, and I thought you all should know because I will probably end up marrying one.

And we'll share Xanax on our wedding night.

Autobots roll out.

Late post because of a late post.

Well, I had fully intended to not usurp the power of the pen and take the thunder away from my good friend Lazer, but, Nuff's 'Nuff. I'm posting, even if the magical, royally ordained "Order" is disrupted.

Now then...It kind of seems to me that I go perpendicular to whatever my colleagues agree to, but, yet again, I have a counter-point to all of our drivel (Mine included.)

Men like sex. It's a fair given, anyone who's watched cheerleaders at a football game, seen a swimsuit competition, or, blasphemy that it may be (Har Har), looked at porn, you can tell that sex is a heavy industry to compete with in itself. Stronger than steel, oil, electricity put together nearly, Sex is practically a bigger motivator in society than religion.

Yet what I question is Why it plays such a huge role... Sure, it's a physiological reaction to feel sex appeal, sexual tension, to become aroused, get horny, however you may put it, but, for the most part, this reaction is Mental. I believe that anything mental can be regulated by willpower, and, while this can be simply stopping yourself from popping a boner in a crowd of hot chicks, it can go as far as celibacy (Although, full societal celibacy is just...stupid. Wouldn't recommend it.)

Men lie slaven to desire today, torn apart by their blatent needs and wants in a quest that, in the overall, adds only slightly to our complete happiness and social well-being. A one night stand can be a great relaxer, but after a while, they'll become fewer and farther between, and that guy/girl is gonna get lonely.

And that's where we come up with our second large institution in the states: Love. Love is one of the most marketed and labeled ideas perhaps in the history of mankind. Yet...Society as I know it has slurred that word so damned much now that we can barely pick out what it truely means anymore. Ask a teenage girl why she loves her boyfriend, and she'll likely say "Because he's hot," or, "Because he can talk to me." Now, first and foremost, the first one is obviously not Love. In that case, Love is being confused with another L word which most people don't understand, Lust.

Lust is physical desire, basically, the reason for rampant college fornication, drunken orgies, and facetious relationships. Lust isn't something to build love upon, yet, it can come With love.

You may ask, where the hell is he going with this? Well...
I'm sick of all these yuppies calling out, booze-infested, into the night at the girl they've just fucked, "I love you." Such a cry is Lust, not Love, and should never, EVER be confused otherwise. And, as our society has conditioned our girl's delicate (or otherwise) little hearts to flutter and butterflies to explode out their crotches, I see more and more bad relationships, drunken pregnancies, and just generally stupid decisions being made over those three rampantly misused letters...

So then, the next time you roll off of some nameless chick in the night, unless you really REALLY do, just say, "That was a nice screw," or something of the like.

Leave the loving to us Lovers.
