Saturday, March 22, 2008

How Did This Fucking Happen?!...

I now have limited interwebs access through no fault of my own (thats a lie by the way but let me just go on the record and say that I REGRET NOTHING) so my posting shall become even less frequent then it recently has been. Also, I have a girlfriend now. She drinks more then I do and more often then Danior does. We officially met when I fucking blew major chunks on her at her birthday bash.

Oh yeah, shes a keeper.

These events and more to be elaborated on at a later date.

Mine and Your Favorite,

Mander Romany<3


Codes said...

Sounds pretty intense...almost like when Mom's first met Dusty....
Hahaha...Not to scare you about commitment or anything. Just don't go to vegas on a whim...that's how they get you!

Optimus Prime said...

I'll have you know that I drink on a daily basis, dick.
I doubt any creature with a vagina could handle the sheer volume of liquor running through my veins at any time.

Anonymous said...

may i make a suggestion, good sir? I think you should forget about the damned liquor, and take up smoking weed! It's superior in awesomness and doesn't make you puke, which pretty much makes it super kickass.