Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spock Was Wrong

I would like to start this post with a direct statement towards one Leonard Nimoy.

(For those of you not in the know, Leonard Nimoy recently published a book of photography showcasing the 'beauty' of horrendously obese women.)

You sir, are horribly, horribly wrong.

There is no beauty, pride, or joy in being fat. In this world there exists subjects that may not be universally beautiful but are nonetheless still pleasing.

This includes, but is not limited to: elegant math problems, epic fight scenes, the abstract concept of lesbians, etc. etc.

If I were to continue this extensive list, Mr. Nimoy, you would find nary a mention of any fatties. That's because they are simply not beautiful. Finding beauty in them would be akin to over analysis of a children's book and finding hidden symbolism. There simply is none there.

I find that Optimus will back me up in these claims.

Anyways, to a quick and simple story that happened to me today.

I was sitting in class (Calculus if you must know) when my neighbor Glare-Bear reaches over and undoes my shoelace.

Glare-Bear: Sorry Lazer, it was an irresistible urge.

Lazer: That's what a lot of girls say about me.

Cue incessant giggling.

Yup, my timing's pretty much perfect. I'm just gonna need some prettier targets... oh well, baby steps, right?


Optimus Prime said...

I think i just lost all respect for Leonard Nimoy.

Codes said...

Yeah, but then again, I'm not shovenistic or Douchey, sooooooo...
I'd have to disagree.

Mander Romany said...

Lazer didnt you date a fat chick?...

ahh... the pieces are all falling into place. ever think that your dislike of larger women has to do with a singular bad experience rather then a general dislike? hm?

Lazer McSanchez said...

No, we all make mistakes. Hm?

Mander Romany said...

Mistakes my good friend are definitely something that we indeed all make. good thing we can learn from most, unless your like me, in which case you refuse to learn from or usually even acknowledge your mistake and subconsciously plan on making it several more times just because you fucking can.