In theory I don't have a problem with Libertarianism. For those of you who don't know, Libertarians support the preservation of all liberties and little-to-no government interference in said liberties, but also hold citizens to a certain level of personal responsibility. And that's about where my affiliation with any Libertarian would end. Because I have a more rational, realistic view of the human race - unlike idealist Libertarians - I am fully aware that to preserve liberty is insufficient. In a world where people are consistently born and life with the sole ambition of limiting other peoples' liberties (I.E. the Hitlers, Stalins, Zedongs, Pol Pots, etc., etc. of the world) a government must also take steps to protect its peoples' liberties. This is essentially the sole reason a lawless society could not function. The simple fact of the matter is that all people are bound to disagree. If there is not a government to protect all of the people, then a certain, more savage majority will take over. This is present in America today, where CEOs of massive corporations exploit the workers and consumers for their own benefit. In certain industries where the product is a more valuable one (namely healthcare, security, arms manufacture, etc.) the consumers who are given the short end of the stick don't end up just getting robbed of their money, but their lives as well. Don't believe me? Well I did some research:
Many people don't know this, but the United States is ranked number 45 for life-expectancy[1] of all nations. That puts countries like the Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico (all U.S. properties) higher than us. The U.S. is also ranked at 180 (out of 221)[2] for infant mortality rate. That means we're not even in the top 40. More Cuban children live past the age of five/per 1000 births than do Americans. Shit, more South Korean children live past the age of five/per 1000 births than do americans.
But keep in mind that these are statistics for the whole of the country. If you take statistics for African American males (i.e. those with the lowest income), the average is a piddling 68.4 years [3], the same as a citizen of Turkmenistan; less, even, than Iraq, Iran, and Saudia Arabia (I say this only because I think maybe our current admistration should be taking more time at protecting the country it's already in charge than it should "bringing democracy" to others). And by the Census' numbers, it won't be until after 2025 that that number is even close to the national average of today.
And don't even get me started on income [in]equality. By all accounting, the income of the top 5% of Americans[4] is nearly DOUBLE that of those in the top 20%, and a family in the top 20% makes more than 4 times as much as a family in poverty. IF you were to take the income of a family in the top 5%, it would be equal to the income of nearly 16 families in the bottom 10%. Now, of course I'm comparing the numbers to get my point across, so here's some less dramatic, but still pretty fucked up numbers: A household in the top 5% makes more than 3 times that of a MEDIAN family. Median as in white-collar, middle-class America. We're talking "American Dream," Arthur Miller stuff, here, not the moderately-to-extremely poorer folks that are actually something like 60% of Americans nowadays.
So what I'm getting at is that people ARE going to take any opportunity to better themselves, and they even seem to prefer damaging other people in the process. Some might say that capitalists go out of their way to rape and pillage the consumers, and I think it should be obvious by now that the solution is not to ignore this (the Libertarian/Anarchist solution) nor is it to limit liberty (the Fascist/Totalitarian solution) but to protect all liberties equally (the OptimusPrimeist Solution).
When it comes down to it, America really isn't all that bad. Heck, with a few simple adjustments, it could be pretty great; the ideas are all there. I am a BIG fan of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (which, as anyone with an iota's worth of understanding in the field of politics is just the PC way of saying "Property"), it's just that I think the federal government has got them prioritized the wrong way. Where a human life should be the most valuable thing, with Liberties as second, and
property last (far less valuable than life, I'm sure everyone would agree), most of these Democratic-Republic-Capitalists are willing to let people die or work for inhumane wages just to increase their money-supply. That's the whole point of Capitalism: to generate wealth so that you can spend it on generating more wealth. But now there are people's lives being lost, and change is overdue.
In summary: Fuck Libertarians.
Fuck Anarchists.
But above all, FUCK Capitalism.
Note: I worked on writing this shit for 4 and a half hours.... I don't know why that's important, but I felt it was noteworthy.
[1]: CIA World Fact Book: List of Nations by Life Expectancy
[2]: CIA World Fact Book: List of Nations by Infant Mortality Rate
[3]:US Census: Projected Life Expectancy by Race
[4]:Measures of Household Income Dispersion
P.S. Since Adolfo is a flake, I (Optimus) am going to post up a draft I had planned on publishing in two weeks.
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