Thursday, February 21, 2008

'Ello, 'ello...Mander here.

Whats da happs everybody?

Before I get too ahead of myself ('cause I have something in mind that I would like to write about today that I've been having fun telling people about) lemme just thank that last great American hero, OPTIMUS PRIME, for asking me to do this! It's my first post so all y'all best step back and put on some protective eye wear.

So lately I've had this burning desire to go to Mexico. We all know that when somebody says "go to Mexico," what they are actually saying is "drive twenty minutes or ride the trolley, cross the border and get wall-to-the-cock shit faced." This has yet to happen.

The first time my desire was unfulfilled was my birthday. After realizing that there was no fucking way I'd get to TJ, let alone get drunk enough to urinate on a little Mexican hombre while he stole my wallet like I originally intended, I was able to get a few people together to get a bonfire type thing going. My thinking was I'll get drunk enough to pass out just as the tide was coming in.

But it was just my fucking luck (by the way, I have the worst fucking luck. If I decide that I like all two of our readers enough, I'll write the story of how I got such bad luck, but I digress...) that not only does it start to rain, but I forget that there are like three house shows happening, a show at the Che Cafe, AND it was Lazer's mother's birthday to boot. This disappointed me terribly. Not drunk at the beach and definitely not surrounded by a transsexual stripper's full beard, like my original plan intended, I understandably went to one of the house shows.

Now these house shows are not in regular houses nor are they regular shows. They are the ultimate in DIY 'cause basically their making a full fledged show out of nothing AND I get to drink. House shows are held mainly in three places. These places are the only three places on the planet that the cops don't give a fuck about, are afraid to go, and still manage to surpass their quotas for the month. These Places would be 1) Logan Heights 2) Chula Vista and 3) any other place within 15 miles of the border. Essentially they're every bus stop you've ever seen on the news. You know the ones. Chalk outline of bodies, surrounded by CAUTION: CRIME SCENE yellow police tape, blah blah... Basically what these shows are are gatherings of poor homeless people with big brightly colored hair and bad attitudes but still enjoy each others' company enough to tolerate each other and get completely fucked up and bump their mad boss tones as loud as they want without the cops showing up.

It's about as tight as a place where your constantly in peril of getting your ass handed to you can get. Lucky for me I was with some chill ass people who in combination with Domino's birthday present to me (about 5 shots of JD) succeeded in getting me totally fucked up.
This was awesome except last time this happened I not only did NOT have a car, but I ended up walking to Hillcrest, nearly getting stabbed, witnessing a fight that involved AT LEAST 50 people, and eating burritos with a buncha twacked out Mexicans (Also another story for another time). This time how ever I DID have my car and I DID have to drive home. Luckily for me I went to the ska house show and all in all had a good time. I don't remember much other then Gypsy and her pal TheRockabillyLoveGoddess showing up and wishing me a happy birthday. Duckie showed up at one point too cause I remember skanking with her in the pit and I drove her home and stopped at Lazer's restaurant to get some food... other then that not much is coming back to me...

<3 Mander Romany

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at least it was better than my birthday.