Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cleaning up my cell phone.

Because the piece of shit has probably the smallest memory of any electronic device ever. Seriously, the inbox fills up after 15 texts.

So here's the shit that for whatever reason i thought was worth saving, but am posting here so I can clear that shit out of my phone.

Firstly the texts that I sent or received that I thought were noteworthy:
To my grandmother, who despite her efforts, has not exactly grasped the concept of text messaging:
Just FYI, unlike telegrams, text messages do not charge per character STOP As long as the message is less than 160 characters, its all the same price STOP

Aren't I just a cheeky bastard?
The answer is yes, by the way. In case you weren't convinced.
Ahh this is a great one... It was from me to Lazer after a deaf friend of mine failed to show up at the time and place I was expecting her to:
I would say i have to give her a tongue lashing, but that would be pointless. So ill give her a hand lashing. i guess thats just domestic abuse. So ill do it twice!

And people wonder why I'm single.

Oh right, this was a good one from Lazer, a sort of pep-talk, if you will, just before a night of partying.
Remember you only have morals when having them will advance your immoral means.

Words to live by.

OH yes. Last but not least, my plans for a brilliant video. I swear to god if any of you fuckers steal this, I'll end everything you've ever loved and will ever live to love.
Dude, great idea for a vid: a take off on rock band called ska band. Go out and by those cheap plastic horns, then paint them to look like controllers.. Some choice lines: the hardest part is finding a big enough tv and 12 people who still listen to ska! & New controllers: guitar that onl strums up, bass with 6 extra buttons for the most ridiculous walking basslines you could ever dream of! Alto, tenor, and baritone saxes providing intricacy only a band geek could care about! Trombone for everyones fat friend! Trumpet because we all know someone that can only manage to coordinat 3 fingers simultaneously! And keyboard for all these popular 2 tone songs:
A message to you, rudy - the specials
That one song from nickelodeons kablam! - the english beat... and many more!

I'm so witty.

Let's see... what else do I have saved...
Oooh, memos! They're short, concise, and to the point!
I hate everything.


I think it's a webcomic host... Keep an eye out for Two 'Y' Chromosomes if I ever get a working Mac again...


Oooh, my school's blog-ring... maybe I should get in on that. But probably not.

And then there's voice memos... two clips of me singing along with Streetlight Manifesto (poorly, I might add) at their show in Buffalo earlier this year, and as soon as I figure out how to get that shit on the intrawebz, you'll know.

That's all for now.

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