Sunday, September 30, 2007

And then God said "Let the world know of the greatness that is Optimus Prime," and thus it was that OP moved to Blogspot.

Anyways, I did party last night. It wasn't a great party, and I only had like... 3 beers and a Jell-O shot, so there's not really anything exciting to tell. My roommate, on the other hand, went to visit a friend of his at SUNY Geneseo. It's like half an hour away, and he had a pretty good time as far as I can discern. He called me at one point in the night, and was telling me how I was going to go with him next time because there was so much vodka. He also accused me of being Mexican, although I guess it was alright in context:
Roommate: "Optimus, I don't care if you're socialist, I still think you're cool."
Optimus: (barely containing my laughter) "Okay"
Roommate: "I don't care if you're Mexican, I still think you're cool. Optimus is Mexican."
Optimus: (laughing blatantly now) "I'm not fucking mexican!"
Roommate: "Optimus isn't Mexican. Optimus, what are you?"
Optimus: "I'm fucking... black and gypsy!"
Roommate: "He's black and gypsy. Optimus, you're fucking Mexican!"

Anyways, at some point in the conversation, the phone got passed to this girl who he was with. Being ever the great pick-up artist I am (sometimes) we talked for a while, and according to [Geneseo] I sound "attractive," "nice," and "confident." Score.
Alright, she was pretty trashed, but still... I've already laid the groundwork, and as far as I can tell, she's coming to RIT sometime in the next month.
Anyways, that's not even the highlight of our convo. Apparently, at some time when we were on the phone, Roommate decided to break into the neighbor's house.
Geneseo: "Oh no. Now Roommate's breaking and entering. He just opened someone's screen and walked into their house"
Optimus: "You should probably go stop him."
Geneseo: "Yes, I should. Wait. Now he's in the kitchen. Oh, he's looking in the fridge, he found a bottle. He's drinking it."
Optimus: (laughing)
Geneseo: "He's out now."
Optimus: "Good, good."

Yes. My roommate broke into someone's house for the sole purpose of drinking their liquor. If I haven't said it before, I'm pretty sure that my roommate and I are like a perfect match.

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