Sunday, November 11, 2007

Streetlight Manifesto

I know its been a while since I talked about music, so... here it is: A Concert/CD review + analysis (that makes three parts, by my calculations.)

Part 1 - Somewhere in the Between CD review:

The End.

(Ehh... let the record show that while it still hasn't technically been released, it leaked after I pre-ordered my copy, so I feel no shame in possessing the songs. So there.)

Part 2 - Streetlight Manifesto + Suburban Legends + The Stitch Up at Club Infinity in Buffalo, Nov. 7, 2007:

Also, there was a girl/group of girls (?) that kept pinching my butt. It was flattering while being simultaneously annoying.

Part 3 - Lyrical Analysis of Streetlight Manifesto's Discography (plus a little bit of BOTAR):
I'd be lying if I said that I had a true, clear-cut knowledge of everything behind Tomas Kalnolky's songwriting, but I do think I have a few good theories.
Let's start by evaluating the albums as wholes, before I delve into the intricacies of specific songs and lyrics. I think it's no mystery to anyone that Kalnolky's songwriting is always occupied by some air of death. There's a lot of lines about war and dying, which is the first connection I think everyone develops in thinking about the themes of Streetlight Manifesto's music.
That being said, I think that Streetlight's albums are an allegorical portrayal of Death. The "story" begins with Keasbey Nights, though the title by itself is unincriminating, taken with the other albums, it seems to be a metaphor for the last days of a dying man... the dawn of a life, if you will. Next up is Everything Went Numb... uh... if you can't see how that symbolizes Death, than you are most definitely something that rhymes with "numb," but then I wouldn't expect you to understand anything more complex than a nursery rhyme. Anyways, Somewhere in the Between in every aspect SCREAMS afterlife. The very first line on the album is "I once knew a guy obsessed with the afterlife." Dhurp. The cover art... the brown circles seem to represent the earth, then red fire beneath that (hell) and white/blue swirls that seem to be clouds (heaven) beneath the fire. Youmight be asking yourself "Yo Prime, why would Hell be above heaven?" Good question... NOT. It's obvious. While Kalnolky seems almost fascinated with the afterlife, it seems pretty obvious that he doesn't really believe in it. Take the second line from SitB, for example "Oh what a terrible day that was he realized he wasted all his time." There you have it. The afterlife is a waste of time.
Ummm... There's more... but I'll save it for a later date, because - as I'm sure youcan tell - my writing is a little unfocused and disjointed right now.

Autobots... ROLL OUT!

Friday, November 2, 2007

The moment you'fce all been waiting for!

I/mt drunk again! and in y computer, There's not much to say about tonight aexcrept yhat my roommate's girlfriend was trying to come on to me. iI fdid my besst to deny her advances, and i avoidd puttin gmy penis in or around her. As per usuall i was a self-depricatory motherfucker, opting to instedda make ymself loik like a douhce to randokm girls that might hav otherwise bene fonfd of mel.,

Fuck youre sbhit!
-0 optikmusik pormin,e.