Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Oh boy, what a day.

forgot i didn't have political parties and voting today, so i skated down to building 1, just to tun around and skate back to Colby F. All was not for naught, though, because i realized how spring-y it was. People were lying on the grass in front of Gleason, at least 3 different groups of people were playing frisbee, and there were a bunch of skaters, bikers, and rollerbladers. So in the spirit of the season, I dumped my shit at my room and head back out to carve some of the better hills I've found around campus. And it was awesome. I skated for about an hour and 15 minutes, and I was pretty much winded. I know longboarding doesn't seem like it should take a lot of energy, but it does. The best part is carving down hills, and that will tire one's legs out real quick. Not to mention, you have to skate uphill before you skate downhill. So anyways, I'm done, and I'm skating back to dorm side. For whatever reason, I decide to go the way that leads me past my favorite hill on campus (the first good one I found) and i can't help but to skate down it. I'm carving and all seems well, until I make a sharp toe-side curve and something happens. Something BAD happens.
I don't know if my wheel slid, got caught on a pebble, or both, but the result is tragic. I fly through the air, and basically end up horizontal in the air. I just barely manage to throw my left hand and right elbow backwards (I have scratches to prove it), but not quite soon enough. My head slams on the ground. My glasses pop off and the delinquent lense (i'm sure you all know the one) flies out. Needless to say, i'm a little stunned. But not too bad. I stand up, put together my glasses and put them back on my face, and grab my board. I walked back up the hill, and then skate back down it because, i mean, come on, it's one of the most fun hills on campus. Granted, i take it more slowly this time, and just cruise past the SLC. I do a quick self-administered concussion test and pass. No loss of memory, no dizziness, i didn't black out. I have a massive headache, and my necks a little sore, but that's cool. Normal.
And then it strikes me to feel for the inherent bump on my scalp. Pretty grapefruit sized. And then i notice that my fingers are sticky. Closer inspection proves that they are covered in blood. I skated to the Health Center straight from there.
I see a doctor fairly quickly, and turns out i need stitches. For future reference, RIT's health center cannot do stitches. Its around this point i notice the blood dripping down the back of my neck. Sweet.
Another 30 minutes or so to find out that the afterhours center and all the local hospitals are full. Like... to the brim. So after another 30 minutes or so of trying to find a ride to the walk-in center, I end up having to call a taxi. Whoopie.
20 minutes later and the taxi comes and drops me off. There's $15 i wont be getting back. I proceed to check in and that takes a good 30 minutes (computer problems). During this time a fat black chick comes and just basically is annoying.
Girl: Excuse me, how much longer are you going to be?
Receptionist: Just a few minutes, I have to finish checking him [that's me] in.
Girl: My pinky's bleeding through my shirt!
That's right. She was getting bitchy over her pinky, and she's so ghetto, she's wrapped it in a shirt. Not gauze, paper towels, napkins, tissues, or even a towel. Just a shirt. So the receptionist obliges her wraps it up in some gauze. Crisis averted.
I'm immediately seen after check-in (one of the few benefits of head injuries) and get cleaned up. I need staples. I get staples. I get seven staples. And a tetanus shot. I was overdue. By several years.
The best/worst part is that I was next to the pinky girl, seperated by a curtain. Boy, was she a bitch. She was complaining about how the novacaine didn't numb her pink 100% before she got the stitches, and the doctor (whom I appreciate for hating her as much as I did) had to explain that that's impossible, especially in the fingers, which have high concentrations of nerve-endings. Meanwhile, I'm getting SEVEN staples in my head, and the novacaine wears off after about FIVE staples, and I don't make a peep. Whoever thinks women have a higher tolerance for pain than men is just plain stupid, or something. So stupid.
My stupid roommate john has to pick me up and it's now 9:30. 4 hours of the first day of true spring wasted, and all because of a stupid rock.


Mander Romany said...

such badassery...

Codes said...

Yeah dude, that's why I don't populate anything with wheels that doesn't have handlebars or a roll cage...
I'm just too dangerous to myself on anything that requires balance...