Friday, March 7, 2008

Change in Codiing?

Aite so,
First off I'd like to apologize for the no show post last week,
it was a pretty crazy weekend...

Details may be presented at a latter date, but for now:

Apparently Ash and Chiodo have been bitching about having gay codenames and have requested changes.

This isn't exactly classified as a blog, but rather an open discussion to the authors.

Shall we comply?


Codes said...

ARe they clicking on our adverts?
Cause if they aren't, Fuck em!

Optimus Prime said...

Well said, C.

very well said indeed.


College doesn't pay for itself.

We got 6 fucking tuitions to pay for right now. Shit.

Not to mention booze money, but that usually goes without saying...

Mander Romany said...

agreed. when my tuition is paid for ill fucking think about it.